The grooves in the skin stop springing back to their smooth-less state as the skin ages and lose its elasticity, and these lines and wrinkles become permanently imprinted on your face. The body naturally contains hyaluronic acid (HA), with the most considerable amounts found in the skin, eyes, and joints. Read More

Why might I need this procedure?
When people reach a certain age, their skin typically starts to sag and lose volume. Hyaluronic acid fillers restore the volume lost in the skin and the plumpness lost due to natural fat pad thinning. Fillers made of hyaluronic acid are used for:
- Facial folds
- Facial framework
- Facial structure
- Fine lines
- Volume
- Wrinkles
What does this procedure entail?
The skin is injected with tiny amounts of hyaluronic acid using a fine needle. In addition to smoothing and plumping, the gel gives the skin behind wrinkles more volume. Serial puncture, linear threading, fanning, cross-hatching, and tower procedures are a few of the hyaluronic acid (HA) filler injection methods that can be used. The best injection technique will be determined depending on the target area needing to be addressed.
Types of injections you may receive:
- Intradermal Injections - Intradermal injection, often abbreviated ID, is a shallow or superficial injection of hyaluronic acid into the dermis, located between the epidermis and the hypodermis.
- Subcutaneous Injections - Subcutaneous means under the skin. In this injection, a short needle injects the hyaluronic acid into the tissue layer between the skin and the muscle.
What can I expect after this procedure?
Most activities can be resumed soon after the procedure. However, to reduce swelling and bruising, it is typically advised that you avoid strenuous activities for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours. You will first appear to be overfilled, but this will pass. After this procedure, you could experience bruising, redness, numbness, and swelling. Before the filler is distributed and absorbed, the injection site may have hard lumps. In the treatment region, you may also have hypersensitivity. Ice and localised massages usually relieve the majority of these symptoms. Results often last twelve months or slightly longer as the body progressively reabsorbs the hyaluronic acid over time. You may need to follow up treatments with Restore to maintain your desired goals.

” If you don't take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness.
- Joyce Sunada