The administration of nutrients, vitamins, and water straight into the bloodstream for instantaneous absorption and usage by the body is known as IV therapy. This therapy is sometimes known as intravenous therapy. Read More

Vitamin Infusions
We are all subjected to the stress of everyday life. We rush around, don’t always sleep well, don’t always eat well, and don’t always hydrate well. We become fatigued, lethargic, irritable, bloated, depressed and develop brain fog, low immunities, and low sex drives.
These are all possible symptoms that could merely be lifestyle-related, and we haven't even started talking about genetic propensity.
But what if we had a way to IMMEDIATELY replace essential nutrients directly into our systems? IV Vitamin therapy could be that option. IV vitamin therapy, also referred to as hydration therapy, intravenous micronutrient therapy, IV infusion and IV drip treatment, is an efficient way to deliver elevated levels of essential nutrients, vitamins and other solubles directly through the bloodstream.
IV therapy addresses the following health concerns:
- Lethargy
- Anxiety & depression
- Headaches
- Hangovers
- Jet lag
It is, however, not something that we should be choosing from a menu, hooked up and sent on our “happy” way. These Infusions are deposited straight into the human body, bypassing the gut absorption and liver filtering systems. These are NOT one-size-fits-all and should NOT be used as a hydration backup when we are dehydrated, for example. They should be bespoke, concentrated and administered by a medical facility.
IV therapy works by injecting high doses of minerals and vitamins via a needle through the arm. Several infusions are available to address specific needs, such as restoring lost fluids and fully recuperating from a marathon.
The “run of the mill” IV lounges popping up will never be able to offer the full medical value of true Intravenous therapy, as they are made for the “average” person. No single person’s body is “average” or “basic”. They will also not contain sufficient doses of relevant ingredients as a bespoke medical IV Therapy regime can.
If you are looking for a serious method to assist your body’s functions and help support your system, book a session with us and see what IV Therapy can truly achieve.

” If you don't take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness.
- Joyce Sunada